50 Campaigns in our 50th Year

50 Campaigns in our 50th Year

From Cape Town to Cairo in 2024!

Are you sitting down? What I have to tell you today is really big – so big that I am asking you to please literally sit down and give this letter your prayerful attention. I pray that as you read this, the Lord will help you see in the Spirit what He has put on our hearts for next year. Do you remember the dream God gave Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, the dream of a blood-washed Africa? Do you remember his rallying cry: “From Cape Town to Cairo”?

50 Campaigns in our 50th Year

Where do we get our numbers?

It is important to clarify that we don't count all the numbers from Alliance members in our statistics. For one thing, it would be very difficult to even collect these figures. But even more importantly, the numbers we report follow some very specific requirements.

  1. The numbers we report are from CfaN initiatives (which means it is our team organizing, overseeing and leading).
  2. The numbers we report are from new converts that have, in most cases, received our CfaN follow up literature.
  3. The numbers we report are from new converts that have been ushered into our follow up system, meaning we are working with local churches to see these new converts discipled and retained.

All of this means that these statistics are not guesses or estimations. They are reliable numbers, every bit as credible as any statistics that have been used in the past. And these are numbers that reflect the work CfaN is doing directly (not simply reporting on work others are doing).

These outcomes are the result of years of hard work and represent the sacrifice and labor of literally hundreds of team members around the world.

In addition to the historic harvest, we have also multiplied our own workforce in ways that seemed impossible just a few short years ago. To illustrate this, consider the fact that when we first started working to multiply (in 2017) we had just one person left in the ministry who knew how to organize African campaigns. Today, we have over 100 people who are capable of organizing campaigns and that number is growing all the time. As a result of these multiplication initiatives, consider these amazing facts just from the past 32 months:

Reinhard Bonnke used to describe CfaN as a "Combine Harvester." Today, we are more like a fleet of Combine Harvesters, working together in lock step. CfaN is not about one man, one brand or one ministry. It is about seeing the greatest harvest in the history of the Church being reaped! We are seeing the fulfillment of Reinhard's dream when he heard the Lord say that He would be a forerunner for a whole new generation of evangelists.

All of this is "proof of concept" but next year we will put everything to the greatest test CfaN has faced so far: 50 campaigns, 50 cities, 10 million documented decisions, bringing the total to 100 million. We will go from Cape Town to Cairo! Prophecy will be fulfilled. We will call on all 1,700+ evangelists and organizers to put their hands to the plow. It will require "all hands on deck." But we believe it will not only be the greatest harvest we've ever seen, it will spark the next wave of evangelism far beyond CfaN.

Do you feel the urgency?

I am sure I am not the only one sensing an increased urgency in the spirit, a sense that things are speeding up. We do not know the day of His coming, but we surely see the signs. And though we may not know the hour of His appearing, we most certainly know what we’re supposed to be doing right up to that glorious moment! In Matthew 24, Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Well, everywhere I go, I meet church leaders, evangelists and believers who are feeling the same urgency. We are all feeling that there is no time to waste to bring the harvest in. If ever there’s been a time to push with everything we have and everything we are, this is it! Surely, you’ve been feeling it, too?

Yes, I am asking you to give!

And I’m not going to be shy about that when the stakes are so high. It will cost around €10  million to conduct these 50 campaigns (for context, under the previous model it would have cost over €50 million). We already have organizers on the field waiting for funds. The need is urgent but the opportunity could not be greater.

So yes, I need your help. You will be hearing much more from me as our plans for 2024 are finalized, but right now, we need to fill the storehouse so that we are ready to bring that harvest in next year. Thank you, with all my heart, for faithfully standing with us.

Together with you for the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN team)